Thursday, February 24, 2011


I definitely feel there are many types of professors out there and it may be impossible to come up with enough categories to fit them all into. The ones listed in this story are deifinitely some good ones that I have encountered in my three years in college. The buddy professor is one that I am experiencing this semester along with a new category I like to call the flake professor.

My buddy professor is my Sociology teacher. She told us from day one that she made besties in her class and that we should strive to be her bestie because there were perks to being one. She is always talking with us as if we are friends instead of students. She curses a lot in class and doesn't mind if the staudents either. She does teach us, but discussions can get off topic with story telling. Our first test was pushed back a whole week because we didn't cover the material in the time we were supposed to. We always start Monday classes with talking about our weekends, also. She is a nice and wonderful lady, but we do get off topic quite a bit from her trying to be our buddy.

My flake professor is my nutrition teacher. When I use the word flaky I mean more unprepared than anything. She has a very busy life with kids and another job which is understandable. However being forty minutes late on test day is a little crazy and when you sent out a review sheet, that didn;t have enough information on it, only hours before the test it makes you seem very unreliable. Most students in this class also felt they were vastly unprepared for this test because of inadequate teaching. Our teacher promised us in the beginning of the class powerpoints with blanks to fill in during lectures that would always be posted online the day before class and has hardly ever made that on time and has several times had to post these powerpoints after the class was over.

It would be helpful for these teachers to probably change things slightly, but they are who they are. We students will encounter many different professors in our time at college and you really must be ready for anything.

Intros and Conclusions

The song Keep On Bringing Me down is a new song by a band called Forever The Sickest Kids. This song has a great intro that keeps me coming back to this song over and over again. It begins with a crazy synth sound that builds for a couple seconds that leads into a great piano part. The piano is upbeat and catchy and really brings you in and sets you up for the rest of the instruments. At about 8 seconds in the guitar does a nice slide to start off with and the drums kick in. These instruments all play a nice head bobbing tune for a little longer and then it settles at 20 seconds right before the lyrics start and they tell a story. I love the intro to this song because I really feel that it hooks you on this song before even one word is sung. It already gets you involved and just makes you want to move to the music.

The end of this song really works well too. The last lyrics to the song are a repeat of the chorus which is "Why does the world as I know it keep on bringing me down. Do my best to hide it but it keeps on bringing me down. And no matter how high that I try to climb I'll be pulled back down again. Why does the world as I know it keep on bringing me down." Then the line "Keep on bringing me down," is repeated two more times. The music has slowly gotten bigger right before this and is crazier right towards the end to make it a big finish. Then the music dies down right at the very and and completely stops so that the last word that is sung with no music. This last word also echos slightly which gives much more emphasis to that word and the meaning of the song altogether. It's as if the singer is slowly fading as he feels this way since everything in the world has beaten him down.

Breed Specific Legislation

Breed Specific Legislation is any law that restricts or prohibits a dog based on their breed. These laws have been enforced in many areas in the U.S. and have also been banned in many places. The main controversy about BSL is that people believe these laws will help reduce dog attacks and dog bites. However, many people don't realize that not only are these laws ineffective but they are much too costly to try to maintain. They also just give a bad name to the dogs affected by these laws. Pit bulls are the breed of dog that most commonly affected by these laws. This has given them the image of a vicious killer animal.

I do believe that it is important to have strict laws on animals that could be considered dangerous, but there is no need for these to be breed specific. When you target an entire breed you are not only giving that breed a bad reputation, which causes them to be abandoned more and adopted less, you also take those good dogs from their loving homes. The best way to lower the number of dog attacks and dog bites are to have laws that target the owners more than the animals or laws that cover all dogs.

The laws that are in place currently that are non-breed specific are what will help bring down the number of dog attacks. When these laws are properly enforced they will apply to dogs who are dangerous. These laws include leash laws and muzzle laws. There are also laws that could be added to avoid dog attacks without targeting certain breeds. These could include mandatory spaying and neutering of dogs unless having a license or behavioral and obedience tests for dogs being adopted and bought. There are ways to help these animals and humans without condemning entire breeds. It is important to remember that dogs are as different as people.

Pit Bulls and every other breed that is targeted by BSL are being judged horribly. They are, as a breed, being called vicious, aggressive and uncontrollable. Even dogs that are not actually Pit Bulls or Pit Bull mixes can be taken by these laws if they just look like a Pit bull. These animals are wrongfully taken and destroyed. There is still hope however. You can let the congress member in your area that you are against BSL. It is wrong to judge a person so why isn't it wrong to judge a dog?